…FEED YOURSELF MORE courage, patience, peace, hope, faith, joy & love.
While you’re working on your meal plans, preparations and expectations for the coming week, I imagine if you’re like me you’ve thought quite a bit about what foods you will choose to feed yourself.
Meal planning and prepping has been a part of my weigh to wellness since DAY 1!!! In the beginning when I weighed over 400 lbs and I was just learning about Clean Eating it didn’t even matter what I put on the plan. The important principle was that I had one and then that I just stuck to it!! As they say, fail to plan and you might as well plan to fail!
This has been 100% true in my journey and my results have always been their best when I’ve followed this.
But I’d like to ask: do you think about or plan time to feed your mindset and soul as well?
This is something else that’s been a non-negotiable for me and I because I care about YOU I really want to make this clear: there is NO WAY I would have stayed on track and moving forward over nearly 23 months time, to lose close to -190 lbs to date without ALSO committing to FEED my mind + soul too!
Wellness is a complete package my sweet friend. It is Mind + Body + Soul, they simply cannot be separated.
So again I ask: are you PLANNING the time you need to feed your mind/soul too?
Make yourself, your wellness in every area a non-negotiable.
Feed yourself more in the ways that matter most!
Find the time.
Find a way.
You need it.
You deserve it.
You CAN do it.
Be Like the Turtle
TRY TO BE LIKE THE TURTLE … at ease in your own shell, at your own pace, with consistency, self-aware and grateful ??
It’s taken me decades to finally accept I already had everything I needed. Like a turtle I’ve always carried it with me and that part is not limited to any place, time or space.
Trying again did required me to stick my neck out… NOT something I enjoy doing at all.
I thought I’d shared my process here, my thoughts, heart aches, struggles, frustrations and of course progress and that NO ONE else would ever pay attention or really see it!!!
?LOL whoops!!! ???
But I have no regrets! Helping you if even with a word of encouragement has helped me too!! It’s amazing how reciprocal and therapeutic this journey has become!
I’m blessed as much if not more by the opportunity to encourage YOU!!! And sticking my neck out has been a lesson I needed to learn.
A turtle only moves forward by sticking her neck out!!
It’s not easy to take another chance; to try again, but it is worth it.
And YOU, the one still reading, YOU are worth it!
Be a turtle ?
What stops you from taking action to do the things you KNOW you should and want to do?
22 months ago I stop waiting. I stopped making decisions according to what I wanted in the moment and I decided to take action to get the things I wanted MOST.
22 months ago at 44 years old weighing 404.4 lbs I switched to a Clean Eating Lifestyle because I came to believe that changing my food could change my life and that is exactly what I’ve done.
It is accurate when I say I used my weight as an excuse to not do many … many … painfully, MANY things. But in truth the even bigger issue wasn’t my weight at all, it was my WAIT!
My excuses, my “reasons” for putting myself and my self-care off were too many to count. All those things I was waiting to resolve, meet, find, experience, break thru, realize or achieve just delayed me from TAKING ACTION!
I legitimized my delay with many good causes but at a drastic cost: time.
Time that I will never get back!
Time waits for no man, or woman!! No matter how wonderful, powerful or awesome we are, time is one thing we cannot control! It is going to keep marching forward whether today is the day we take action or not!
So ask yourself?
What is your wait costing you?
Is your WAIT holding you back from going for what you want most?
Is your WAIT stopping you from attending to your health, your dreams, you goals, yourself?
Only you can CHOOSE to end the waiting and Start your RISE ?You can do it, you just have to choose it and then GET GROWING!!
Look at My Crotch…
…ok, well, don’t look at my crotch!!! ??? (watch my video HERE)
I never said I was always going to be eloquent with my words ? One year ago today when this happened I was clearly very excited! It still makes me giddy to watch! I love remembering that first time, “I noticed that” feeling watching it.
I don’t remember EVER having even the littlest bit of thigh gap; NEVER!!! In fact, what I do remember most as a teenager was having to wear dresses and my thighs rubbing together and getting painfully chaffed red and raw. (Come to think of it, that’s probably another reason why I stopped wearing dresses for decades).
I also remember my jeans always wearing paper thin or wearing out until the fabric worn through in the thighs because of the rubbing!
Oh those little things no one ever talks about out loud.
That thigh gap is a big deal to me. I know some hate it, some want it, some have it, others don’t. But to me the thigh gap is just another NSV of worth, just like fitting into a new size, or an airplane or stadium seat, or running in the 5k or the first time I realized I could jump, or that I could climb sets of stairs without reaching exhaustion, or that I didn’t miss having cake on my birthday or that I wasn’t reaching for popcorn at the end of the day, and I wasn’t skipping as many workouts and I wasn’t speaking as negatively to myself… THEY ALL MATTER!!
Take notes, journal your process and your progress whether it’s here or somewhere but COUNT UP every single win along the way!!
You’ve worked hard for them, you deserve to celebrate them ??
I’d love to hear and celebrate wow of your victories!!! Don’t be shy about shouting them out ???
Transformation: How does one really quantify the word?
TRANSFORMATION :: how does one quantify the word? Change, alteration, modification, variation, conversion, revision, amendment, metamorphosis, evolution? (I really like that last one, evolution!!)
I don’t like labels or having to fit into anyone’s “box”. For those who might be tempted to only see an outward appearance as evidence of transformation, I believe your viewpoint severely limited.
Body is only one area in which I am making a transformation. And yes,
I do share a lot of side by side photos highlIghting my extreme weight loss because losing weight IS a HUGE part of my overall pursuit of wellness. (And I’m still shocked I’ve finally figured this out!!)
But being more than 400 lbs was quite literally killing me in every way: physically, mentally and even spiritually.
So yes, losing -189 lbs in my forties is something I celebrate with an immense amount of JOY and gratitude. But still weighing 216 lbs means my body, it’s structure, bones, joints, arteries, veins, organs, tissues, depend on my making the best choices I can for them to be as healthy as they can. So again, yes the #s matter as ONE PART of the WHOLE.
But make NO MISTAKE. My transformation is every bit about mind and soul as body; actually more so. The body will only go where the mind leads it and as such, true wellness then is ultimately a work of heart! ?
I didn’t use to see myself as brave, determined, courageous or confident, and I definitely did not speak kindly or loving to myself back then. Now, my process, evolution, transformation has allowed me to look back in the lens of love and see her (me) for exactly who she was and still is evolving to become; SHE is where the evolution of my fearlessness, courage, bravery, persistence, dedication, confidence and commitment began to blossom.
Wherever you are on the spectrum of transformation just remember you are exactly where you should be. Speak kindly and lovingly to yourself, and about yourself and celebrate the eve out of every single baby step at a turtle’s pace of progress that MATTERS TO YOU!!!
Your transformation is your own, so OWN IT!!!!
Rest… Don’t Quit.
WHEN YOU’RE TIRED, learn to rest not quit ? this girl is heading for some rest … if it helps you, here is a portion of the affirmation I’m using right now before bed.
Rest well ?
I am a person of action. I am daring. I am courageous. Fear no longer has a place in my life. For for too long, fear has outweighed my desire to make things better for me and my family. Never again! I have exposed fear as a vapor, an impostor who never had any power over me in the first place. I do not fear opinions, gossip, or the idle chatter of monkeys. I do not fear failure; for in my life failure is a myth. Failure exists only for the person who quits. I DO NOT QUIT! ~ Andy Andrews, The Seven Decisions
Holy Crap! He gets the team player award for this…
HAPPY TRANSFORMATION TUESDAY ~ the Wedding Edition ? “It is NOT about where you’ve been, it’s about where you want to go”.?
20 years and a lifetime of choices separates these two photos. The evening of Feb 5, 1999, I stood on a church platform, took the hand of the man I loved and promised I would do my best.
My best has taken on many forms and sizes over the years, but one I could never seem to master was my weight.
By Feb 2017 I reached more than 400 lbs. I was extremely depressed, anxious, miserable trying to exist but feeling like as a prisoner in a body that no longer allowed me to truly live.
On 4-10-17 I decided I would no longer let my history control my destiny, I switched to a Clean Eating lifestyle that literally began to change everything ?
I’m now 46 years old and over the past 21 months I’ve lost close to -190 lbs ~ I have not had to eliminate any food groups, deprive or starving myself to do it ~ I’m losing the weight HAPPILY, healthily, consistently and ? naturally! ?But the best part is truly being present and active in my life with the man I love ?
20 years ago I didn’t get the blissful wedding dress shopping experience every bride hopes for ~ oh I loved my dress ~ it wound up being the most glamorous I’d ever felt in my whole life, but walking into a bridal shop to try on (look at) dresses was torture. (I wrote more about that yesterday)
That was NOT the case this weekend!!
My amazing spouse Ralph (@ralphhfowler) took me dress shopping this weekend and I FINALLY got to try on ALL THE DRESSES!!!! Talk about bliss and bling ?
Life is still not perfect. Far from it! ? I still have days where I feel defeated, frustrated, doubtful and disappointed only now I accept what I cannot control and I control the things I have the power to change. And that’s what real living is all about! Learning and loving and growing and doing your very best!
Now I know I can choose something different and I choose something different!
And so can you ?
Don’t let your History control your destiny! You are more powerful, capable and equipped than you may know!
I’m cheering for you ?
? HANDS DOWN, this will go down as one of my very favorite moments in my entire extreme weight loss journey so far! Fitting both myself AND my husband into my wedding dress from 20 years ago this week is truly the most priceless moment of sheer JOY!!
(And holy crap what a team player @ralphhfowler HE is ?)
I had no idea, NO IDEA if changing my food would change my life but that’s where I started and everything since then has just been such incredible thick, luxurious, rich, icing on the figurative cake of my life ?!
There are such good things ahead and I am SO grateful that YOU have chosen to share the journey with me; with us!! ?
This photo is still making me giggle and cry tonight ??stay warm!
Through Thick and Through Thin
THROUGH THICK AND THIN, heavy loss and epic win, with lots of tonic and LOTS of gin ? we have not survived, we have DECIDED to thrive ?
Does anyone ever REALLY know what they’re getting into when they decide to say “I do”? ?
20 Years ago tonight we practiced the words, but QUICKLY found out that real life gets no rehearsals.
WE have no regrets!!
We have experiences and memories: memories full of laughing and memories full of tears; memories of laughter turning into crying and crying that turned into roaring laughter!!! And isn’t that how it should be!! That’s what makes it all worth it. Knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt come HELL and high water, or rainbows and pots of gold, that we do it together no matter what.
We are NOT perfect but we are committed. ?
Commitment to this extreme natural weight loss journey I’ve decided to take US on too ? but he has NEVER complained!!! He still gets (almost) everything he wants. Even this weekend of course we had carrot cake to celebrate!!!! (Swipe to see it!!! ?) Together we’ve lost close to -335 lbs naturally by switching to a Clean Eating lifestyle and just loving the heck out of our lives!!
No need to deprive, eliminate, starve or follow a bunch of “rules” when we can just eat, love, live and get healthy sensibly at the exact same time!!!
I am beyond blessed by this man and the very normal, ordinary life we have created to share together! I wouldn’t trade it for the world. He is my ?? @ralphhfowler